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A member registered May 28, 2017

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The portraits themselves won't cause any issues, they're just images in a folder. You don't even necessarily need a "pack", you could put images in yourself (I've done this trying to find images that fit a particular character well).


2.  Windows 10

3.  Whenever I've selected what to do with a defeated person and then I capture or use mindread on another one, it resets every defeated person's option to "leave"

4.  just use mindread on a defeated person after selecting kill or rape on a defeated person

I did not.

I'm playing 0.4.3b on Windows, and I can't end day. It doesn't seem to function at all (clicking the button or using the hotkey), at first I was playing with a character from 4.2 and thought the problem might be related to that when I started on 4.3, but i created random new characters and it still wouldn't work.